Healthy Living Tips

Assalammualaikum Wr.Wb
Best wishes
On this occasion I will share my embryo fingerprint with the herbal remedies I have read before from book to book. Now it is modern times as well as with diseases that have begun to develop many diseases, we often see many people flocking to find drugs even though there are many plants that can be used for medicine.
Who wants to be sick, surely everyone doesn't want to be sick, but everyone can't avoid illness. Ok, just listen to some articles that I will share in this blog, especially herbal medicine and hopefully it can be useful for all my friends.

Healthy Living Tips

Healthy Living Tips

Later this is especially the case for advanced economies, many people have implemented healthy living behavior along with the cancer prevention movement.
The following are the recommended steps to prevent cancer with a healthy way of life:

Eat lots of vegetables, fruits, seeds such as tempeh, tofu and foods that contain lots of fiber. At least once or twice a day consume green vegetables and fruits.

Avoid overweight or overweight. Weigh your weight 1 time a week. Research shows, due to obesity, the risk of cancer is greater, especially breast, uterine, colon, stomach, kidney, and gallbladder cancers.

Reduce too much fried food and also contain high protein and fat and offal.

Limit foods that are treated with high and long temperatures or with certain processing that can cause pro carcinogens such as marinated, smoked, baked, roasted until charcoal (charred). The best is boiled food.

Be careful with the use of artificial sweeteners, food coloring and excessive preservatives. The best food is fresh food.

Food is kept clean, diverse, and free from environmental contaminants. It is better not to over-consume beverages that contain alcohol and also to smoke, as far as possible leave alcohol and smoking.

Physical activity with regular exercise accompanied by mental and spiritual health is an integral part of efforts to prevent cancer.

So many articles on the day that I can share with all my friends, I hope that you will be given health quickly if there are a lot of shortcomings and poorly spoken language, please forgive as much as possible. Thank you
Greetings Healthy ...!

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