How to reduce blood pressure

How to reduce blood pressure

Doing various tips and ways to reduce high blood pressure is arguably an easy matter. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a chronic condition in which blood pressure in the arterial wall increases.

Hypertension can be caused by lifestyle factors, heredity (genetic), or both. Although it looks trivial, however, hypertension can be dangerous if left untreated because it can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as heart attacks and strokes.

How to reduce blood pressure

To find out your blood pressure, the only way to do it is to measure blood pressure.

High blood pressure or hypertension is a condition when a person's blood pressure reaches 140/90 mmHg. Normally, blood pressure in healthy people ranges from 90/60 mmHg to 120/80 mmHg. Here are some things you can do as a way to reduce high blood pressure, including the following

Limit salt intake
How to reduce high blood pressure naturally by reducing salt intake from the food you consume. Salt can increase blood volume and pressure in your arteries. Therefore avoid consuming high-salt foods such as fast food, processed foods, and instant food.

Lower weight
Diet can overcome high blood pressure. Excessive body weight contributes to increased blood pressure. Being overweight will make your heart work hard in pumping blood throughout the body.

How to reduce blood pressure

Stop smoking
Nicotine contained in cigarettes will stimulate the body to produce adrenaline. This adrenaline will make your heart beat faster and make it work hard. So, quitting smoking is one way to cure high blood pressure.

Drink celery juice
Celery overcoming high blood pressure naturally has long been used in traditional Chinese healing. Research has confirmed that drinking celery juice every day for a week can reduce high blood pressure. This is supported by the high potassium, minerals and antioxidants found in celery.

Celery is also known to contain 3-N-Butilphthalide (BNP) compounds which are useful for stretching or widening the muscles of the artery wall to allow blood to flow more smoothly. Pthalides can also reduce stress hormones which can cause blood vessels to constrict.

Reduce overtime work
Compared to those who have regular work schedules, workers who work overtime have the potential to get high blood pressure up to 29%. The reason, because overtime will make it difficult for you to have time to exercise and eat healthy foods. So sleep regularly to deal with high blood pressure.

How to reduce blood pressure

Overcome snoring during sleep
Snoring loudly during sleep is one of the symptoms of sleeping apnea, which is a cause of high blood pressure. So overcome snoring by getting enough sleep, adjust sleeping position, drink enough water, avoid alcohol and sleeping pills. This habit is effective enough to overcome high blood pressure.

Reduce consumption of caffeine
Reducing coffee is one way to cure high blood pressure. Researchers from Duke University Medical Center, United States found that consuming caffeine as much as 500 mg or the equivalent of 3 cups of coffee can increase high blood pressure.

Consumption of garlic
Eating garlic is also a way to cure high blood pressure without no reason, because the alysine compounds in garlic are useful for dilating and avoiding blood clots, the cause of hypertension. Another good garlic character to avoid high blood pressure is the ability to destroy fat and reduce the content of bad cholesterol (LDL).

Learn to manage stress
Stress is a major cause of high blood pressure. When you experience chronic stress, the body is in a constant fight-or-flight mode. At the physical level, that means a faster heartbeat and limited blood vessels.

When experiencing stress, you may also be more likely to be involved in other behaviors, such as drinking alcohol or eating unhealthy foods, which can negatively affect blood pressure.

Some studies have examined how reducing stress can help lower blood pressure. Here are two ways to cure high blood pressure that you can try:

Listen to soothing music: Listening to seductive music can help relax the nervous system. Research has shown this is an effective complement to other blood pressure therapies.

Reduce activity: Work a lot, and stressful work situations in general, are associated with high blood pressure.

Eat chocolate
Not only is it soothing, eating chocolate is also a way to deal with high blood pressure. But, consume chocolate with a small portion, because eating chocolate in large quantities may not help your heart. That's because dark chocolate and chocolate powder are rich in flavonoids, plant compounds that cause blood vessels to dilate.

The study found that cocoa is rich in flavonoids which can improve a number of short-term markers of heart health, including lowering blood pressure. For the most powerful effect, use pure brown powder, which is very high in flavonoids and contains no sugar.

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings
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