The Benefits of Flowers and Kenanga Leaves

The Benefits of Flowers and Kenanga Leaves

Assalammualaikum Wr.Wb
Best wishes
On this occasion I will share my knowledge about herbal medicine that I have read before from books to books. Now it's modern times so too with diseases that have begun to develop many diseases, we often see many people who flock away to look for drugs even though around them are many plants that can be used for medicine, so from that let's take care of our nature together we are so that we can feel the true natural benefits. Take care of nature as we take care of ourselves nature has been good to us who have provided what we seek. When we take care of the environment around us we do not feel that we lack anything from food, shelter, food and entertainment. I ask all my friends not to destroy
nature! starting from small things by not littering and planting trees.

The Benefits of Flowers and Kenanga Leaves

Who wants to get sick, surely everyone doesn't want to be sick, but everyone can't avoid getting sick. Ok, just listen to some articles that I will share in this blog, especially herbal medicines and hopefully they can be useful for all of your friends.

Cananga flowers and leaves can also be used to cure eczema. The trick is as follows: Look for flowers and cananga leaves that smell good. Then mash until smooth, then mix homemade coconut oil and a thinly sliced ​​red onion. All these ingredients are put in a small pan, then heat it on the stove. After heat lift the pan, then let stand for a while. After warm nails, continue
apply to the skin affected by eczema with cotton. Do it every night if you want to sleep. Within four times, it will usually heal soon.

So many articles that I can share with all my friends, hopefully they will be given health quickly by Allah SWT, if they can lack in writing, ask to be forgiven and don't forget to leave criticisms and suggestions so that this Blog can develop more on participation
Greetings Healthy ...!

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