Natural Diabetes Remedies

Diabetes is a prolonged or chronic illness and is characterized by high blood sugar (glucose) levels or above normal values. Glucose that accumulates in the blood as a result of not being absorbed by the body cells can cause various disorders of the body organs. If diabetes is not well controlled, there may be complications that endanger the sufferer's life.

Glucose is the primary source of energy for human body cells. Blood sugar levels are controlled by the hormone insulin produced by the pancreas, which is the organ located behind the stomach. In diabetics, the pancreas is not able to produce insulin according to body requirements. Without insulin, the body's cells cannot absorb and cultivate glucose into energy.

Natural Diabetes Remedies

On the occasion I would like to share a natural diabetic remedy, perhaps many relatives or family friends who have diabetes disease hopefully this article is beneficial to all friends and recover tired. Amin

1. Garlic
Garlic has a unique substance that can reduce LDL cholesterol levels and can automatically lift the production of good cholesterol (HDL) and launch blood column in the body. So by consuming garlic, the symptoms of diabetes can be reduced.

2. Papaya
Fruit papaya contains antioxidants that can improve the immune system in the blood, so that the disease that is about to multiply in your blood can be prevented. Therefore, fresh papaya fruit (not processed papaya) can be used to treat complications due to diabetes.

3. Papaya leaves
In addition to papaya fruit, papaya leaves can also be used to treat diabetes. How to manufacture is also quite simple, namely:

A. Take 13 pieces of papaya leaf
B. Take 25 pieces of betel (Temu Urat)
C. Tumbuk until smooth
D. Mix with a glass of water
E. Refine and filter until clean
F. Drink regularly.

4. Cinnamon
Cinnamon can cure diabetes. Because the content can balance blood sugar levels. So it is beneficial to prevent complications due to diabetes.

5. Kelor leaves
Kelor leaves include a plant fence that can be utilized as a diabetic medication. The reason, the content of kelor leaves is useful to create an immune system in the blood and can be used as a diabetic sugar stabilizers that want to hurt the body of the sufferer.

6. Ginger
Ginger is a spice plant that has a complete and beneficial content for health. One of the ailments that can be treated with ginger is diabetes. Because, the content of ginger can increase the work progress of insulin to be more optimal, so as to reduce glucose levels.

7. Aloe vera
Aloe Vera can also be used to treat diabetic disease. Because the active compounds that they contain are able to reduce the fat that settes in the blood, so the blood rate is back to normal and your glucose levels can be reduced.

Such is our article about the potent Herbal medicine Diabetes to treat diabetic disease.

Hopefully this article can be useful for all of us and all diseases that exist in our body is immediately eliminated by Allah SWT. Amin

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