How to Extend Hair Hair Naturally

Who doesn't want to have long, thick hair? surely everyone wants to have hair like that for both women and men.

Hair as someone's crown in terms of appearance can be said to be the main one, but for friends who have hair problems can follow the following method.

How to Blacken Hair Naturally

Olive oil

The content of olive oil is known to be very useful for treating skin and hair.

In addition, the vitamin content in olive oil also functions to nourish hair.

Well, to make your hair faster, you can apply olive oil to the scalp while massaging it.

Let stand overnight, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

How to Extend Hair Hair Naturally

Consuming protein can also make your hair grow faster
Not only prioritizing external beauty treatments. Massage and hair masks are important, but you also need to pay attention to what you eat, if you want to have thick and beautiful hair.
Did you know that food can make a big difference to speed up your hair growth? Be sure to add: eggs, nuts, fish, chicken, red meat, etc., to your balanced diet.

Aloe vera
Aloe vera is also known to provide good benefits for hair health. Take the gel part of the aloe plant and apply it to the entire hair. Do this two to three times a week for maximum results.

How to Blacken Hair Naturally

Coconut milk
For those of you who don't know yet, it turns out coconut milk also has a myriad of beauty benefits, especially for hair. Apply enough coconut milk to the hair and wrap it using a warm towel. After 15 minutes, rinse the hair with cold water. Not only will it last longer, your hair will also look thicker.

How to Extend Hair Hair Naturally

Celery leaves

The first way to lengthen hair with natural ingredients is to use celery.

Celery is known to have high antioxidant content and also has vitamins, minerals and antibacterial to maintain hair fertility and health.

The trick, puree celery leaves and add a little olive oil.

Then, apply the mixture to the scalp while gently massaging it.

So hopefully this article can be useful for all of your friends, if your friends like articles, you can share your social media with friends so that it can be useful for others too. Thank you

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