Morning Run Benefit

On the occasion I wanted to share about the benefits of jogging, maybe there are still many who do not know the benefits of running in the morning.

Maybe we run in the morning just to fill our spare time in the morning while on vacation or just want to take a walk enjoying the fresh air in the morning right? but know many benefits when we run in the morning. Ok, it's just the fun.

1. Increase body stamina
Take advantage of the morning to run lightly with fresh air and a peaceful atmosphere, as if you would awaken every organ in the body. You will get energy and stamina capital to support all day activities on the same day.

Morning Run Benefit

2. Increases Endurance
When we run, the body's metabolism will increase, and this condition will also trigger the growth of the body's defense cells. The formation of immune cells is very good in helping our bodies to ward off attacks of evil microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, etc. that often make a person easily sick. Therefore, with the habit of running this morning, the body becomes stronger and does not easily get sick.

3. Improve Sleep Quality
This is the benefit of a little known running, but in one study showed that insomnia sufferers who were trained to routinely run morning managed to make them able to fast sleep, 17 minutes faster. In addition, they also claimed to feel sleep better than usual. The benefits of running this morning can certainly be a reference for those of you who have trouble sleeping so you can sleep faster and wake up more refreshed.

4. Preventing dementia
In an American Geriatrics Society Journal it was revealed that women who have a morning jog routine from adolescence will reduce their risk of dementia during old age. Another study conducted in 2012 found that the benefits of morning running can improve brain function related to the ability to concentrate and remember.

Benefits of Jogging

5. Prevent Impotence
Not only to nourish the body, the benefits of running in the morning also target the pride organs of men, by running in the morning it will improve the fitness function of their reproductive organs. This happens because blood flow to the male sex organs will become smoother when diligently running in the morning so that it can prevent impotence.

This is also supported by the results of a study which found that 3000 calories per week which were burned from morning jogging activities could make erectile dysfunction manageable, with effectiveness up to 83%.

6. Longevity
So many benefits of a morning run can be obtained for those who diligently do it, with a myriad of benefits, of course, will make someone improve their health status so that they will have a longer life. Such is the rational mind of man, but actually a person's age has been determined by Him.

7. Healthy Heart
When we run, not only the muscles of the leg that work and improve its function, but the heart will also be active in pumping blood in order to meet the nutritional needs and oxygen for the muscles used to run. If jogging becomes a routine, then the heart will be trained to continue to work well so that the status becomes healthier than the untrained heart.

This is also supported by research that shows that running as far as 16 Km in a week will reduce the risk of disease or blood pressure disorders up to 39%. In addition, the problem of cholesterol deposits in the heart blood vessels (atherosclerosis) can be reduced by up to 34%.

Morning jogging has the benefit of helping reduce the risk of heart and blood vessel diseases due to deposition of bad cholesterol such as coronary heart disease.

8. Overcoming Hypertension
It is believed that cardio exercise such as running in the morning has no less great benefits in blood circulation. Relaxing morning jogging movement, fairly proportional to maintain the heartbeat pattern. If this is the case, then blood pressure becomes more normal and the heart rate becomes regular.

For people with hypertension or high blood pressure, it is indeed not permissible to carry out strenuous exercise that is too stimulating to work the heart, such as running fast, soccer, and so on. But experts suggest that you start getting used to jogging with a note that you can't run quickly. Consult this problem with your doctor.

9. Healthy Lungs
The cleanest air with the highest oxygen content is in the morning, when we run in the morning we will get it automatically. Especially when we run, the body needs more oxygen by increasing the frequency of breathing and breathing more oxygen-rich air into the lungs. Of course this will make the lungs healthier.

Hopefully this article can be useful for all of us and all diseases that exist in our body is immediately eliminated by Allah SWT. Amin

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