How to Treat High Blood Pressure With Natural Ingredients

Maintaining and limiting salt intake is an important step to prevent and treat high blood pressure. But this is not the only thing we can do to keep blood pressure healthy. Apply a healthy diet or food hypertension, or prevent hypertension.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the diseases that appear secretly. It is difficult to know someone has hypertension, without measuring blood pressure.

How to Treat High Blood Pressure With Natural Ingredients

Food Conquering High Blood Pressure
Understanding Hypertension Categories

To find out someone has hypertension, pay attention to the results of blood pressure measurements. Normal blood pressure is less than 120/80. The first number of the measurement results is systolic blood pressure, then the next number is diastolic pressure.

When the blood pressure measurement exceeds the normal range, it can be divided into the following categories:

 Blood pressure ranges from 120-139 for systolic numbers or 80-89 for diastolic pressure.
 Stage 1 hypertension. If your systolic pressure is 140-159 or diastolic pressure is 90-99.
 Stage 2 hypertension. When systolic pressure is 160 or higher or diastolic pressure is 100 or higher.

Recognizing Hypertensive Triggers

Some people don't realize what they eat every day, let alone their contents. For those of you who want to maintain blood pressure in the normal range, can begin to undergo the habit of observing food intake and content.

Food hypertension should not include foods containing high sodium or sodium. The less sodium you consume, the more controlled your blood pressure. Foods high in sodium include canned packaged foods, processed foods, and ready-to-eat foods.

Conversely, by consuming lots of foods that contain potassium, magnesium and fiber to help control blood pressure. If necessary, make a diary to measure the portion of salt in the food you consume. If you eat food in packs, read the label.

You can make changes gradually, such as limiting sodium intake to about one teaspoon per day. When the body has adapted, then reduce it again to about 2/3 the spoon per day. To add to the taste and aroma of food, you can use low-sodium ingredients such as various kinds of other natural herbs or vinegar.

For more details, the following hypertension foods should be avoided if you have high blood pressure:


Do you have coffee drinking habits? If you have high blood pressure, it's time to get rid of this habit. Actually not only coffee. Tea and soda also increase blood pressure. All of these causes are caffeine in these drinks.

Meat and processed food

Both types of food are often processed by preserving using salt. Thus this food becomes high in sodium which is dangerous for diabetics.


Pickled cucumber is delicious on the tongue, but the manufacturing process requires salt so that the cucumber does not rot quickly. This is what makes you advised to avoid it so that blood pressure does not soar.

Canned sauce

Tomato sauce, pasta sauce and tomato juice packed in cans contain high sodium levels. In one cup these sauces contain more than 450 mg of sodium which has the potential to increase blood pressure.

Chicken skin and other fatty foods

Chicken skin and other fatty foods, such as red meat, fatty milk, and cheese, and butter, contain saturated fatty acids and trans fats. This type of fat can increase bad cholesterol, thus worsening your high blood pressure.
Applying a Healthy Diet

You should avoid hypertensive food and replace it with a healthy diet to keep blood pressure stable. The recommended diet for lowering high blood pressure is DASH or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.

There are four main principles of the DASH diet:

Increase your intake of nutrients from whole grains, fish, poultry and nuts.
Also increase consumption of fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products.
Reduce salt, sweet foods and drinks, and red meat.
Also reduce foods that are high in saturated fat, cholesterol, and trans fats.

Although there are no foods that can reduce high blood pressure quickly, some types of food can help reduce slowly:

Low-fat milk and yogurt

Low fat milk which is rich in calcium and low in fat, is a powerful blend of substances to help reduce high blood pressure. You can also use yogurt as a substitute, if you don't like milk.

Beet fruit

This one fruit is helping to lower blood pressure because it contains nitrate. Even researchers

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