Benefits of Avocados for beauty

Avocados are one of the fruits with a million benefits, including for beauty. The benefits of avocados for the face are known for a long time so many women use them for facial treatments. Even many beauty products that contain avocado because of the benefits that exist in avocado meat.
Here are the 7 Benefits of Avocados for the Face.

Benefits of Avocados for beauty

7 avocado benefits for the face

Avocados contain many nutrients that can be used for facial treatments. The following is the manfat that is owned by avocado face mask:

1. Maintain Healthy Skin

Avocados contain a lot of nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin E, zinc, iron, copper and many more. These nutrients can maintain healthy skin. Health is not only useful for physical health but also for the face. Because for women, facial health is very important in order to foster confidence.

2. Moisturize the skin

The mineral content in avocados plays a role in avocado benefits for dry face. Moist skin will look healthy and fresh so that people who see it are also happy. In addition, avocados can maintain skin moisture for a long time so we don't need to add make up to moisturize the skin.

3. Prevent Aging

One of the ingredients in avocados is collagen. If we regularly use avocado masks, the collagen content will help us prevent premature aging. Collagen can prevent wrinkles from occurring in certain places, such as the tip of the eye. So this mask is very suitable when used by adult women so that the face is always tight and not loose.

4. Overcoming Age Spot

Avocados contain quite high sterolins. This content can reduce age spots. Wrinkles will decrease with the avocado's face mask.

5. Maintain Skin elasticity

The high content of avocados is minerals and potassium. Both of these ingredients are very useful for maintaining facial beauty. The skin will maintain elasticity so that the skin will avoid damage. Apart from that, the face that makes you feel fresher and younger.

6. Cleaning Dirt in the Skin

When we use an avocado mask, the face will rest so that the nerves will be calmer. After the mask is finished, the mask must be cleaned with cold water. This is what makes dirt in the face will be wasted or lifted. If facial dirt is gone, the face will avoid acne. These are the benefits of avocados for facial acne.

7. Make the Face Shine

This mask has a lot of ingredients that can make the face more radiant and radiant. In addition to the lost dirt, the skin has been rejuvenated with an avocado mask so that the emission will come out of our faces. This will add to our aura to be more attractive.
Avocado Mask Making

After we know the benefits of avocado masks, we should also know how to make avocado masks. Here is how to make avocado masks, namely:

1. Dry face

The ingredients that need to be prepared are 1/2 avocado, jojoba oil or 1 teaspoon of almond oil or olive oil. The first step to do is to destroy the avocado in a bowl then add it with oil and stir evenly. Then, apply the mixture to the face but avoid the eye area. Wait for the mask to dry for up to 15 minutes. Next rinse with clean water.

2. Oily face

The ingredients that need to be prepared are 1 avocado, 1 white egg, and 1 tsp lemon juice. The first step is to smooth all ingredients in a blender. Then pour in the bowl and the mask can be used. Apply to the face area except the eyes and wait for up to 20 minutes. After that, rinse using cold water. The benefits of avocados for oily faces can be obtained from this mask.

3. Skin peeling

This third way requires ingredients such as avocado as much as 1/2 fruit, honey 1 teaspoon, and 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar. The first step is to peel the avocado and cut it into two parts. Then smooth half the avocado and mix it with apple cider vinegar and honey. After smooth, apply a mask to the face and wait for about 15 minutes. If the mask is dry, rinse with cold water.

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