Benefits of olive oil for health and beauty

Benefits of olive oil for health and beauty

Olive oil is an oil obtained from olives (Olea europaea), a traditional tree from the Mediterranean basin. " Olive oil comes from a slow-growing olive tree, has a slender, wrinkled stem with a chapped branch. Olive trees can grow to 50 meters in their natural habitat and live for more than 500 years. The fruit has a fat round shape with green when raw and turns yellowish when it has begun to cook. The oil can be used for cooking, cosmetics, herbal remedies, and soaps, and also as a fuel for oil lamps. The benefits of olive oil are very much for health because they contain high unsaturated fats (mainly oleic acid and polyphenols).

On the occasion we want to bernagi about the benefits that exist in the oil both beauty and health.

Benefits of olive oil for health and beauty

1. Caring for Hair Health
Hair that is often exposed to touch-ups such as colored, straightened, perm, or anything that is in contact with chemical drugs will certainly experience a decrease in functions such as broken, easy to fall, dry, and even damaged. With the routine of applying olive oil to the hair, the content of vitamin E will maintain the health of hair. Moreover, your hair is also getting thicker and glowing naturally. So for those of you who are experiencing baldness can also use olive oil to stimulate hair growth.

2. Thicken eyebrows
Besides hair, the benefits of olive oil for other hair is for eyebrows. Olive oil contains nutrients like vitamin E. Vitamin E will always maintain hair health. With this combination, you will have a dense brow and naturally natural. All you need to note is that you have to use completely natural olive oil, not yet mixed with any chemical ingredients.


Apply only olive oil to eyebrows before bedtime
Leave overnight
Then the next day clean while cleaning the face

3. Smoothing the Face
The benefit of olive oil for other facial skin is to smooth the face. But for maximum results, you can use olive oil mixed with papaya fruit and made a mask. Papain enzymes in papaya can help regenerate the skin. Vitamins A, C, and E as anti-oxidants will help nourish, moisturize your skin, and soften your face. Papaya will be a sunscreen or a natural sunscreen for your skin. The combination of papaya and olive oil will accelerate the smooth face instantly.

The trick is:

Puree Papaya Fruit
Mix with 2 tbsp of olive oil
Apply on the face evenly
Let stand for 30 minutes
Rinse using warm water

4. Whiten the Face
The benefits of olive oil for the last face is to whiten the face. Similar to the benefits of olive oil to other facial skin, the content of polyphenols in olive oil will help protect the cells from damage threats. You no longer need to wear a face whitening product that is very expensive or even have to syringe face so that the face is white, just using the olive oil every day, then slowly but surely, you will get the bright face you want The natural.

5. Removing makeup
You run out of cleaning makeup? No need to panic, you can replace the presence of cleanser makeup with olive oil. The benefits of olive oil for beauty is indeed a common secret, therefore many cleansing oil products (cleaning oils) made from natural oils one of them is olive oil. Even by using olive oil as a makeup cleanser, you also get the benefits of olive oil for beauty as it is already described in the points above.

6. Prevent and reduce the risk of cancer
Strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in olive oil and also through the work of phenolics and vitamin E can prevent and reduce the risk of cancer especially breast cancer and skin cancer.

In skin cancer, using olive oil as a regular sunscreen is the best way to prevent sun shock and protect the skin from sun hazard effects such as UVA and UVB rays. With so malignant melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer can be prevented.

While in breast cancer, this breast cancer often occurs due to consuming too much bad fat. Fats that exist in olive oil can play a role to fight the development of this tumor that becomes the forerunner of breast cancer. Olive oil that is rich in oleic acid, unsaturated fats, and some bioactive compounds such as antioxidants will be an important key to combating tumors.

7. Smooth blood flow
The content of Omega Fats 9.6, and 3 will improve the endothelial fungi of blood vessels so that the blood flow becomes smoother.

8. Control cholesterol
With a very high circulation of blood and antioxidants in olive oil helps prevent cholesterol in the blood from being oxidized.

9. Prevent and reduce the risk of heart disease
High antioxidants in olive oil help prevent cholesterol in the blood from being oxidized to protect, prevent, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings
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