Tips for Making Good and True Juices

Tips for Making Good and True Juices

Assalammualaikum Wr.Wb
Best wishes
On this occasion I will share a little of my information about herbal treatments that I have read before from books to books. Now it is modern times that too, with a disease that has started to develop many diseases, we often see many people who flock away to look for drugs even though there are many plants that can be used for medicine.

Tips for Making Good and True Juices

Who wants to get sick, surely everyone doesn't want to be sick, but everyone can't avoid getting sick. Ok, just listen to some articles that I will share in this blog, especially herbal medicines and hopefully they can be useful for all of your friends.

Tisp Making Good and True Juices
Juice is a drink that we often drink and make for ourselves but do you know that if you make juice you also have to go through the right process to get the results you want from drinking the juice you drink it would be nice if your friends followed the steps below to know how to make juice.
Do not directly process fruits stored in the refrigerator. Often the way we process fruit juice actually makes the nutritional content far reduced. For example, by adding too much sugar or ice cubes. For that, you should first know how to process the recommended juice.

Fruit juice is basically divided into three types: juice, lassi, and smoothies.
Juice is juice extracted by squeezing with orange juice or with the help of a squeezer (uice extractor or blender), such as pineapple juice, apple juice, and others. Juice can also be made from fruit / vegetables mashed by blending, such as watermelon juice, melon juice, cucumber juice, and tomato juice.

Lassi is a drink from juice mixed with yoghurt. Smoothies are juices or lassi which are mixed with certain ingredients so that they are smooth and can be scooped. Commonly used mixtures include bananas, avocados, young coconuts, and oatmeal (rolled oats / quick cooking oats).

Juice processing tips:
1. To get healthy and beneficial juices, store the fruit in the refrigerator until it's cool. Remove the fruit from the refrigerator, leave 15-30 minutes before processing so that the fruit is cool and not too cold.

2. If the juice is served with the temperature of the refrigerator or added with ice cubes, the nutrients will be difficult to absorb and use by the body. The most optimal nutrient absorption occurs if the temperature food is equivalent or not much different from body temperature.

3. Juices that are rich in active antioxidants and efficacious as antiaging are found in groups of fruits / vegetables that contain carotene (beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein), vitamin C. and citric acid. Carotene and vitamin C can activate cell rejuvenation.

4. Carotene content is abundant in local carrots and fruit which are now increasingly scarce, namely persimmon.

5. Sour taste in ripe fruit keeps vitamin C from being damaged easily. However, that does not mean sweet fruit does not contain vitamin C. Papaya and red guava are sweet fruits loaded with vitamin C.

5. Citric acid - especially in lemon / lime juice - is tonic for the liver, so it activates liver function in making poisons / free radicals in the body. Another ripe fruit rich in citric acid is soursop and sweet orange / tangerine.

5. Healthy omega-3 fats also include powerful antioxidants. It is found in avocados, nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews), and extra virgin olive oil.

6. For health and antiaging you should not make juice from a mixture of sweet alcoholic fruit (fruit that tastes very manic, contains a little water, and easily turns into alcohol if the ripening is too ripe). Examples include durian, jackfruit, or cucumber.

7. For beautiful and youthful skin, the mind must relax and be far from stress. Stress-fighting nutrients are potassium (all types of fruit), vitamin B complex (green beans, kidney beans, and types of legumes), and relaxant substances (chocolate powder).

So many articles on the day that I can share with all my friends, hopefully they will be given health immediately if there are many shortcomings and inappropriate language said, please forgive as much as possible. Thank you
Greetings Healthy ...!

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