Benefits of Avocados for Beauty

Benefits of Avocados for Beauty

Benefits of Avocados for the Skin

Benefits of Avocados for Beauty

Smooth skin is everyone's dream, especially women, but all that is not easy for many to take shortcuts with plastic operations even though there are many materials that are easy to get and of course cheap.

Avocados contain enough vitamin A and chlorophyll. In the fat stored a lot of vitamin E. A combination of vitamin A, chlorophyll. and vitamin E as an antioxidant is proven to keep the skin of the population of Mexico appear chewy and fresh even though they are aged. It's also rare for cancer. They are very fond of eating avocado sauce (guacamole), as is our habit of eating chili here. The high potassium content makes the fruit avocado a base. In the theory of Food Combining, alkaline food protects the body's cells from free radical attacks, so it is not easily damaged. The most obvious impact of the cell that is maintained is the face looks youthful. Well, it's a disadvantage, if we stay away from avocados

In avocados there are iron and copper, which play a role in deepening the formation of fresh blood and preventing anemia due to iron malnutrition. Magnesium and calcium help maintain bone health. Avocados are good for pregnant women. Folic acid content is needed by the fetus, so that the brain and spine can grow perfectly healthy. One fruit while avocado contains 114 kg of folic acid, has fulfilled the recommended 30 percent daily recommended folic acid.

In addition to folic acid, the content of other B-complex vitamins stored in avocados is vitamin B6. It is important to control the function of the nervous system. Low concentrations of vitamin B6 in the blood easily cause nausea in the first trimester of pregnancy. Well, eat avocado on
pre-pregnancy and during pregnancy can prevent nausea from cravings.

In recent years a number of new facts have been discovered. avocado loaded with glutathione, a nutritious non-nutritional phytochemical compound. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that repels various cancers, especially cancer of the mouth and throat, and prevents heart attacks.

Compared to bananas, apples, cantaloupe, and grapes, the content of glutathione in avocados is 3 times more. Beta-sitoterol is another phytochemical compound found in avocados. Vegetable fat is part of "good fat", its properties reduce all types of blood fat which can trigger diseases due to vascular disorders, especially strokes and heart attacks. Beta-sitosterol will normalize levels of "bad cholesterol", triglycerides, and total blood fat. The amount reaches 4 times compared to that found in bananas, apples, grapes, and cantaloupe.

How to make Avocado juice:
2 pieces of 360 grams of avocado that have been dredged
200 ml of cold sweet soy milk
200 grams of shaved ice

Supplementary material
4 tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk

How to make:
Blender Avocado, soy milk, and soft samapai ice
Serve with the sweetened condensed milk provided

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