How to treat itchy vagina

How to treat itchy vagina

Women are unique living creatures, often men are confused by women, not only the behavior of a woman's body parts are also unique that others do not have like a vagina. The vagina is an intimate device for a woman when a woman is not having a vaginal birth, but only a few inches but when she gives birth she can fold many times and narrow it by itself, right? but this time I will not discuss the uniqueness of a woman's intimate device but I want to share tips on treating an itchy vagina.

How to treat itchy vagina

 Cara Mengobati Vagina Gatal

Surely we all already know that women's intimate devices are very humid, which can be a variety of germ nests, so that women are more extreme in their cleanliness. Okay this is how to treat it.

Ways and Materials:
Take enough betel leaves, then you boil with 2 glasses of water and acid slightly, if it has boiled ambillha, then drink and when you run out of water wash the vagina with the ingredients do it regularly so that the bacteria in the vagina can go / go.

So many articles that I can convey on the occasion, if there are many mistakes in the language, I apologize as much as possible, but it can be useful for all of us.
Greetings healthy ... !!

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