How to launch the chapter

Assalammualaikum Wr.Wb
Best wishes

On this occasion I will share my knowledge about herbal medicine that I have read before from books to books. Now it's modern times as well as diseases that have started to develop many diseases, we often see many people who flock away to look for drugs even though there are lots of plants around which can be used for medicine, so from that let's take care of our nature together we are so that we can feel the true natural benefits. Take care of nature as we take care of ourselves nature has been good to us who have provided what we are looking for. When we take care of the environment around us we do not feel that we lack anything from food, shelter, food and entertainment. I ask all my friends not to destroy nature! starting from small things by not littering and planting trees.
Who wants to get sick, surely everyone doesn't want to be sick, but everyone can't avoid getting sick. Ok, just listen to some articles that I will share in this blog, especially herbal medicines and hopefully they can be useful for all of your friends.

If you find it difficult to defecate, then to treat it is as below:

Look for tape lying, papaya fruit, bananas, Landa jackfruit / sersat fruit. Everything you mix for compote / brewed as a morning drink. And if it still hasn't healed, take the potatoes that have been peeled and then put the potatoes on your waist and anal mouth.

Leave it until the color of the potato is grayish or dry, because it is usually se

Leave it alone until the color of the potato is grayish or dry, because usually before the potato is used it is wet yellow. And if it turns out it still hasn't healed yet, look for ginger, you grate it afterwards

So many articles that I can share with all my friends, hopefully they will be given health soon by Allah SWT, if there are a lot of shortcomings in writing articles, please forgive and don't forget to leave criticisms and suggestions so that this Blog can be more developed on its participation.
Greetings Healthy ...!

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