How To Naturally Raise Breasts

How To Naturally Raise Breasts

Most girls always pay attention to their appearance to look beautiful and charming. With a look that looks beautiful, the girls will feel confident when meeting other people. Many also pay attention to some parts of their body and try to make it much better. Well, one part of a girl's body that is a concern is breast.

Some women may have breasts that match their size and shape. However, not a few also feel that the size of her breasts is not proportional or looks smaller. As a result, sometimes feeling less confident and trying to make it look perfect. One way that is done is surgery. As we know, there are also many female artists who are willing to spend on implant surgery, you know. But again, besides being expensive, surgery also has several other side effects if you don't take care of it properly.

But, just calm down! Even without surgery you can have the breast size that you want. Well, here are some natural recipes for raising breasts. Come on, see!

How To Naturally Raise Breasts

Betel leaf
Not only benefits for miss V, betel leaves also have benefits for your breasts. The method is also quite simple. Wash the betel leaves thoroughly and dip them into coconut oil. After that, warm the betel leaves on low heat. After feeling warm, stick to your breasts evenly, except for the nipple. Simple, right?

How To Naturally Raise Breasts

With massage

Breast massage is very simple, you know. First of all, you rub your palms together until it feels warm. Then massage both of your breasts slowly. Move it rotating from top to bottom for 15 minutes. For maximum results, you can do it before taking a shower. This method can be used to raise breasts, you know!

How To Naturally Raise Breasts

Honey and Olive Oil

To enlarge the breasts, just mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil with honey to taste. Heat in a few minutes, then apply on both breasts. Also do a circular motion for about 10 minutes. Clean with warm water afterwards. For maximum results, you can do it for one month.

How To Naturally Raise Breasts

Many women are afraid to eat avocados because they are eaten by the avocado myth. Actually, the fat content in avocados is good fat, so it's good for your body. In addition, the good cholesterol content in avocados can protect your body from free radicals. Well, good fats can fill your breasts so that you can get the size of your breasts by eating avocados regularly. Well, this is one easy way to raise breasts.

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