How to elevate the body naturally

How to elevate the body naturally

He said, how to elevate the body during adulthood only had to use certain drugs or tools sold in the market. Wait a minute.

There are many ways to elevate the body naturally, you know, even though you are already an adult.

1. Eat nutritious food
Generally, bones that are increasingly fragile in adulthood can make our body look stooped and shorter than they should be. This is because our bones are not strong enough to hold the weight of the body which incidentally continues to increase.

How to elevate the body naturally

Food sources of protein, vitamin D, and calcium are the best choices to keep bones strong. Cow's milk for example. Apart from high calcium and protein, milk also contains a growth hormone called insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) which is important to support the growth of bone length.

However, you certainly need more intake at this age. The Indonesian Ministry of Health, through the release of the 2013 Nutrition Adequacy Rate, recommends that adults consume 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day. This can be obtained from healthy foods and calcium supplements.

2. Sleep enough
Quoted from Healthline, getting enough sleep every night can be a way of raising the body indirectly.

During sleepless nights, the body releases human growth hormone (HGH). This hormone production will decrease if you are "hobby" staying up late or lacking sleep.

How to elevate the body naturally

The average adult is advised to get enough sleep for 7-8 hours every night.

3. Improve body posture
The natural posture of the human body will shorten the age gets older. This is because bone density is also decreasing so that your body's frame is no longer as strong as it used to be to sustain the burden.

Various bad habits that you do everyday without realizing it can also make your body posture look short. For example sitting, standing, and walking bent.

Therefore, improve your posture so that the bones of the grass become more aligned so that the stature looks taller and slender.

Fixing your posture can also prevent you from getting headaches and back pain. How to?

- Pull both shoulders back upright and parallel.
- Tighten the abdominal muscles towards the spine
- Head upright following shoulder posture
- Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart
- Do not bend your knees when standing.
- Let the arms hang naturally on the side. Don't drop shoulders.

Whereas to adjust one's sitting posture, you can do the following:

- Try while sitting in an office chair your feet flat on the floor surface.
- Adjust it so that your thighs are aligned and your feet are still on the floor
- Avoid crossing your legs when sitting.
- Support your back with a small pillow so that you don't bend down without realizing it.
- Rest your shoulders if you are sore by leaning your shoulders on the rebuttal of your seat.

4. Practice yoga
Practicing yoga can also be one way to increase weight. Yoga moves all parts of the body so that it can strengthen muscles, and straighten and help keep your posture upright.

You can practice yoga in your own home or join a yoga fitness center. For beginners who want to practice yoga, please follow the movements and steps of yoga on internet videos.

5. Strengthens the muscles of the body
You can also strengthen the body's muscles as a way of slowly raising the body.

The strong middle part of the body can help a person maintain a good posture and look taller. The muscles that must be strengthened are the muscles in the abdomen and the muscles along the spine.

These muscles will help support the spine. When these muscles are too weak, and the spine is not properly supported your body can slowly bend.

Tighten the core muscles of the body by routinely doing planks, push-ups, or crunches.

How to elevate the body naturally

6. Swim
Swimming is a way of elevating a trusted body since ancient times and it is indeed effective.

When swimming, the body will move against gravity and water flow so it trains the overall strength of the body's muscles.

Swimming helps improve and keep your posture upright so that your stature will look taller.

7. Play basketball
Many basketball players who have tall bodies dangle above the average. This is because it's true that playing basketball can make you taller.

When playing basketball, your body will run a lot and jump against gravity so that your back body muscles and spine are stretched to the maximum.

In addition to the seven ways to elevate the body above, it is also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent a decrease in height in old age. Try to drink enough water every day and avoid smoking.

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