How to cure heart disease with natural ingredients

How to cure heart disease with natural ingredients

Heart disease is a deadly disease that exists in the world, heart disease is the term flower for a variety of different diseases that attack the heart. In 2007, this disease became the number one cause of death in the United States, Britain, Canada and Wales, killing one person every 34 seconds in the United States.
The heart is a muscle that is divided into four chambers. Two spaces are located at the top, namely the atrium (foyer) right and left. While the other two spaces are located at the bottom, namely the ventricles (chambers) right and left. Between the right and left spaces are separated by a muscle wall (septum) which functions to prevent mixing of oxygen-rich blood with oxygen-poor blood.

The main function of the heart is to drain oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body. After all the organs of the body use oxygen in the blood, the oxygen-poor blood returns to the heart (right atrium), to be passed to the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve. After blood fills the right ventricle, the tricuspid valve closes to prevent blood from returning to the right atrium. Then, when the right ventricle contracts, oxygen-poor blood will come out of the heart through the pulmonary valve and pulmonary artery, then carried to the lungs to be filled with oxygen.
Scary isn't it? so we have to be aware of heart disease, keep your jatung healthy by exercising, eat less oily and eat vegetables and fruits regularly. On the occasion I will share articles on how to treat heart disease with natural ingredients. Why can we use the expensive ones around us, I always mention how important it is to protect nature, because it has provided various kinds that are needed by humans. Ok, just go ahead.

How to cure heart disease with natural ingredients

How to cure heart disease with natural ingredients

1. Breadfruit Leaves
The content of sitosterol and flavonoids in breadfruit leaves can improve the health of blood vessels and the heart and improve the jatung work system.
The method is quite easy by preparing old breadfruit leaves, then boiling them in 5 cups of water until the remaining half. After filtering, drink the water, do this for a week.

2. Turmeric
This traditional medicinal plant is believed to be able to dissolve bad cholesterol in the blood which is a major factor in blockage of blood vessels.
The way is quite easy, prepare turmeric the size of 4 finger segments. After shredding, pour into ½ cup hot water for ¼ hour. After filtering, add honey to taste. Drink this decoction of decaying bad cholesterol.

3. Avocados
This fruit can slow the absorption of carotenoids, especially beta-carotene and lycopene is very good for heart health because it can reduce LDL or bad cholesterol while continuing to work increasing levels of HDL in the body.

4. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes contain phytonutrients which are able to facilitate damaged body cells and promote blood circulation, suppress blood sugar to remain normal and effectively keep heart disease away.

5. Honey
Honey contains various components that function to prevent all types of heart disease. Honey works to stimulate the heart and facilitate blood circulation. In addition, honey is also effective in relieving pain and heart rate. Just one tablespoon of honey per day is consumed after eating.

6. Shoe Flowers
Researchers from Taiwan found that shoe flower extract has anti-atherosclerotic activity. They believe that hibiscus flowers contain antioxidant compounds that help prevent oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad cholesterol, which contributes to atherosclerosis and heart disease. An infusion prepared from this herb is also believed to help regulate high blood pressure.
Boil two shoe petals in one cup of water.
Strain and add one teaspoon of raw honey.
Drink this once a day for several weeks.

7. Garlic
Garlic improves circulation and has aggregatory antiplatelet and antiplatelet effects.
Eat one or two new crushed garlic cloves every day. If you find the taste too strong, drink a glass of milk after eating garlic.
Or, you can take garlic supplements. The general recommendation is 600 to 1,200 mg of garlic extract divided into three equal doses per day.
Do not exceed the dosage already stated!
So many articles that I can share, hopefully they can be useful and get well soon, and I want to remind you again, take care of nature like taking care of yourself.
Greetings Healthy ...!

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