Benefits and Benefits of Jengkol

Benefits and Benefits of Jengkol

Jengkol? surely friends already know this one fruit, in our minds when we hear the word jengkol it definitely smells amazing isn't it? but from the pungent smell many of the benefits contained in it include 100 grams of jengkol seeds, containing 133 kcal of energy, 23.3 grams of protein, 20.7 grams of carbohydrates, 240 A vitamin A, 0.7 mg of vitamin B, vitamin C 80 mg, phosphorus 166.7 mg, calcium 140 mg, iron 4.7 mg, and water 49.5 grams. For the record, the recommended amount of nutrition for vitamin C per day is 75 mg for adult women and 90 mg for adult men. This means, to meet the needs of vitamin C per day, we only consume about 100 grams of jengkol.
Many are not vitamins contained in jengkol. Still refusing, if given jengkol. On this occasion I will discuss the benefits of the Jengkol. The benefits include the following:

Benefits and Benefits of Jengkol

1. PREVENT ANEMIA (Less Blood)
Jengkol is also rich in iron which is very important to prevent and overcome the deficiency of red blood cell production in the body. If the body lacks iron, red blood cell production decreases. As a result, the supply of oxygen and nutrients needed by all cells in the body will also decrease.

I have alluded to the above that the content in jengkol, because jengkol has a lot of calcium content, so jengkol is also effective in maintaining the health of our bones. So, often eating enough portions of jengkol can make the bones in your body stronger.

Jengkol contains a lot of antioxidants so jengkol can counteract cancer-causing free radicals.

Jengkol is a diuretic food that can promote urination, so it is good for people with heart disease.

Patients with heart disease experience constriction of blood vessels so that blood flow to the heart becomes smooth. The mineral content in jengkol can dilate blood vessels that constrict and prevent constriction of blood vessels again.

Jegngkol contains jengkolat acid in the form of crystals that are not soluble in water which can prevent diabetes.
But keep in mind do not eat too much jengkol, because it can also bring lime urine because the lime content in jengkol is also just eating according to the dose.
So many articles that I can share hopefully can be useful for all of us.
Greetings Healthy ...!

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