Benefits and Benefits of Pete You Need to Know

Benefits and Benefits of Pete You Need to Know

Pete? surely what comes to mind friends is a fruit that is disgusting, but behind that all bananas contain a thousand benefits for our body. So from that do not look at one eye of this fruit, even a disease that is difficult to treat with this banana fruit we can cure it. In this rare era, many people who ignore things that are useful around them are even considered enemies, knowing that nature has provided what we are looking for both drugs, food, clothing, entertainment and others.

The efficacy of bananas

 Benefits and Benefits of Pete You Need to Know

These are the substances contained in bananas:
protein 6.0-27.5 g
fat 1.6-13.3 g
carbohydrates 13.2-52.9 g
raw fiber 1.7-2.0 g
energy 91.0-441.5 kcal
calcium 108.0-265.1 mg
iron 2.2-2.7 mg
potassium 341.0 mg
phosphorus 115.0 mg
manganese 42.0
magnesium 29.0
36.7 ppm copper
8.2 ppm zinc
vitamin C 19.3 mg
thiamine 0.28 mg
α-tocopherol 4.15 mg

So from now on make it a habit to protect nature, do not destroy nature, save for future generations to be able to enjoy the fresh air without having to pay expensive fees.

Go straight to the subject matter of the Benefits of Pete Fruit

1. Treating diabetes / blood sugar
The bitter taste in banana fruit can be a powerful remedy for diabetics or sweet blood. The proof has been truly tested since hundreds of years ago until now. many people recover completely from the benefits of petai.

2. Stress Relievers
Bananas are also effective in relieving someone's stress, this has been tested by experts in their fields, this fruit is very suitable fruit that often experiences stress because of thinking something.

3. Improve Sleep Quality
The tryptophan content in bananas can also help improve the quality of your sleep. Consuming foods that are high in essential amino acids, such as bananas can induce sleep, help provide a calming effect, and also help overcome anxiety which can ultimately make you get better sleep quality.

4. Relieves Menstrual Disorders in Women
Benefits of bananas for women. PMS can often make a woman experience erratic mood swings. In this case, consuming bananas regularly can help you control mood or mood, which is related to the content of tryptophan

5. Contains antioxidants
Petai contains flavonoids which are antioxidants. These antioxidants will help fight free radicals that are found in many conditions such as diabetes, cancer and atherosclerosis. In fact, according to a study, the content and antioxidant activity found in petai are the highest among plants

6. Reduces blood sugar levels
Petai contains beta-sitosterol and stigmasterol which can reduce blood sugar levels. But they apparently could not work alone, but had to be together. The effect of reducing blood is seen in studies in experimental animals who have diabetes. But apparently this effect does not appear in normal experimental animals.

7. Reducing cholesterol
Bananas contain antioxidants, which are useful for reducing high cholesterol levels in the body. By eating bananas regularly, it can reduce the risk of high cholesterol.

Now that's the incredible benefit of bananas, so don't look at the smell but look at the benefits. So many articles today can be useful and increase the knowledge of all of your friends.
Greetings Healthy ...!

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