Benefits of Tomato Fruit

Benefits of Tomato Fruit

Toamat often we meet in our kitchen, the benefits of tomatoes are often not ketehui that we know only for flavoring and sambal whereas in the tomatoes there are many vitamins needed by our body, including vitamin A, B and high antioxidants. Let's look carefully at the benefits in tomatoes.

Benefits of Tomato Fruit

Benefits of tomatoes have actually been studied for a long time, some researchers found that tomatoes can treat digestive disorders, diarrhea, restore liver function and bile attacks. It was also found that the yellow gel that covered the tomato seeds could prevent it
blood clots and clots cause stroke and heart disease. Tomatoes are also able to restore impotence and increase sperm counts and increase movement agility.

The disappointment of tomato juice is the high lycopene content. Besides giving red color to tomatoes. Lycopene is proven effective as an antioxidant. Lycopene can also reduce the risk of cancer, especially prostate, stomach, throat and large intestine cancers. The content of chlorogenic acid and p-kumarat acid in tomatoes can weaken the substances causing nitrosamines that cause cancer. Other ingredients contained in tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, minerals, fiber and phytonutrients, all of which are very healthy for the body.

Tomatoes are also widely used in the beauty industry, many masks and anti-aging pills made from tomatoes. Not without reason, lycopene pigments are proven effective as antioxidants. Other substances such as tomatin in tomatoes are antinflammatory, which can heal wounds and zits. If you have a fever, tomatoes also have alias antipyretic properties
fever-lowering. While high fiber in tomatoes can overcome digestive disorders such as constipation and hemorrhoids.

Cooked Better
Eating tomatoes should be cooked first. As revealed by the FAO-WHO world food agency research. The results of this research show that the lycopene content is not damaged and the amount does not change much during heating. Even lycopene content will increase 10-fold when tomatoes are processed into tomato sauce or pasta.

Lycopene is a part of fat-soluble carotenoids, but lycopene which dissolves in fat is difficult to absorb by the body. Therefore, it is recommended to process tomatoes by boiling or steaming. Consuming should choose organic tomatoes. Organic tomatoes are healthier because they are free of chemical residues, both from fertilizers and pesticides. Organic tomatoes are also more
high in calcium, around 23 mg compared to un-organic tomatoes which only contain 5 mg of calcium.

The benefits of tomatoes include:
1. Cure bleeding gums. Take fresh tomatoes and wash them clean, lal
eat it
2. Overcome abdominal pain. Drink tomato juice after eating.
3. Smooth the face. Apply tomato juice on the face.

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