Extraordinary Benefits of Mango

Extraordinary Benefits of Mango

Mangoes often meet in front of our neighbor's house, when the mango season like this mango is often scattered along the road in front of the house and we often take it rather than not taken in vain. But do you know the content that is in mango, besides being able to get rid of thirst and hunger mango is also useful as a counterweight to nutrients in the body.

Extraordinary Benefits of Mango

Extraordinary Benefits of Mango

Here is the secret Mango juice is a fruit that is rich in nutrients and fiber. In addition, mango is a fruit that contains vitamins and minerals that are very useful for the body. Fiber can make your digestive tract smooth, you can easily defecate, imagine if your body lacks fiber, you will definitely be very difficult to defecate. And you use to avoid digestive pain, Mango juice, can absorb protein, carbohydrates, and also essential fatty acids, and minerals.

- You who have excess body odor can consume mango juice twice a week, in addition to reducing body odor, mango juice
can cleanse the blood of the body.

- Mango juice can also rejuvenate cells. So you don't need to buy expensive medicines if you want to stay young, just continue to consume mango juice.

- Mango mixture can be mixed with papaya fruit. If mixed both, the content contained in the juice is carbohydrate and high levels of enzymes. Apart from that the most, important, function of mango juice and papaya can overcome swelling and inflammation. smooth digestive function, blood circulation and reduce fever.

- Mango juice can reduce excess dehydration in the body.

Fresh and ripe mangoes have a water content of around 82%, vitamins
C41 mg, energy / calories 73 calories / gram. In young mangoes, there are 100 grams of calories, and in raw mangoes, there is a water content of about 85%, and has vitamin C 65 mg. and 66 calorie energy. So the younger, the more vitamin C contained in mangoes. To prevent sour taste, mango juice with a mixture of fruit or flavorings can reduce the sour taste.

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