Benefits of Walking You Need to Know

Benefits of Walking You Need to Know

Assalammualaikum Wr.Wb
Best wishes
On this occasion I will share a little of my knowledge about herbal treatments that I have read before from books to books. Now it is modern times that too, with a disease that has started to develop many diseases, we often see many people who flock away to look for drugs even though there are many plants that can be used for medicine.

Benefits of Walking You Need to Know

Who wants to get sick, surely everyone doesn't want to be sick, but everyone can't avoid getting sick. Ok, just listen to some articles that I will share in this blog, especially herbal medicines and hopefully they can be useful for all of your friends.

Benefits of Walking
Walking is something that we have rarely encountered, everywhere now people have ridden motorbikes and even went to the front of the house on a motorbike. That's what money fosters disease in the body, does it know that walking has many benefits? walking can eliminate the dangerous diseases that are in our body starting now diligently to walk if you want to have a healthy and strong body.
The benefits of walking include the following.

Heart attack.
First of all it reduces the risk of a heart attack. We know the heart muscle needs more rapid blood flow (from coronary vessels that feed it) to be fit and function normally to pump blood without stopping. For this reason, the heart muscle needs more rapid blood flow
and smooth Walking quickly or hurriedly accelerates blood flow into the coronary heart. Thus the oxygen adequacy of the heart muscle is fulfilled and the heart muscle is maintained to be able to keep beating enough. Not only that. Flexibility of the arteries of the trained body to pop and expand will be helped by straining the muscles of the body around the walls of blood vessels when carrying out the hurried walk. The end result, blood pressure Moreover, good cholesterol (HDL) which works as a sponge absorbing bad cholesterol (LDL) will increase by walking hurriedly. There are not many ways outside the drug that can increase HDL levels other than by moving the body. Walking hurriedly recorded being able to reduce the risk of heart attack to become half.

Despite the benefits of walking hurriedly to the stroke, the effect is not as real as it is
coronary heart attack, several studies have shown encouraging results. Just look at the natural evidence of our ancestors who are more active in walking every day, not as many stroke cases now. One study of 70 thousand nurses
(Harvard School of Public Health) who is employed in carrying out walking activities
as many as 20 hours a week, their risk of stroke decreases by two thirds.

Stable weight.
It turns out that by getting used to walking regularly, the body's metabolic rate is increased. In addition to the amount of calories wasted by walking activities, the excess calories that may exist will be burned by the increase in body metabolism, so that weight gain does not occur.

Lose weight.
Yes, in addition to maintaining a stable body weight, those who are starting to be overweight can be lowered by doing routine walking hurriedly on a regular basis. Excess weight under the skin will be burned if you diligently do walking activities at a rate of at least one hour.

Prevent diabetes.
Yes, by getting used to walking around 6 km per hour, walktu takes about 50 minutes, it turns out it can delay or prevent the development of Type 2 diabetes, especially for those who are obese (National Institute of Diabetes and Gigesive & Kidney Diseases). As we know that diabetes cases that can be overcome without the need to take medication, can be done by choosing regular exercise. As long as blood sugar is controlled just by moving the body (brisk walking). medicine is not needed. That means that walking hurriedly benefits from antidiabetic drugs.

Prevent osteoporosis.
Right. With gestures and fast walking, not only are the muscles of the body strengthened, but also the bones. For calcium metabolism, moving the body is also needed, in addition to needing morning sun exposure. Not enough extra calcium and vitamin D to prevent or slow down the process of osteoporosis. The body also needs exercise and requires at least 15 minutes of exposure to the morning sun to be free from the threat of osteoporosis. Those who exercise since young, and consume enough calcium, until the age of 70 years are estimated to still be free from the threat of bone loss.


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