How to Deal with Menstrual Pain Pith Natural Ingredients

Assalammualaikum Wr.Wb
Best wishes
On this occasion I will share my embryo fingerprint with the herbal remedies I have read before from book to book. Now it is modern times as well as with diseases that have begun to develop many diseases, we often see many people flocking to find drugs even though there are many plants that can be used for medicine.
Who wants to be sick, surely everyone doesn't want to be sick, but everyone can't avoid illness. Ok, just listen to some articles that I will share in this blog, especially herbal medicine and hopefully it can be useful for all my friends.

How to deal with menstrual pain with natural ingredients

Cleanse Overcoming Pain During Menstruation With Natural Ingredients

If Menstruation Feels Sick
For women, menstruation or menstruation is a common thing, every month must experience. But the taste is sometimes not the same. For healthy people, they do not feel pain, but in others there are abnormalities. That brings pain. For example, in the stomach like someone squeezes. Or the intestine is turned upside down while the blood comes out too much. For this reason a traditional herb can be used to treat the disease above.

Take a piece of gambier, 2 pieces the size of a pinkie finger, 3 betel leaves. Fine turmeric as well as gambier which has been mixed into one. Give a little water, 2 or 3 tablespoons, stir until smooth, then squeeze it using a soft cloth, take the juice of the herb. Squeeze it hard and drink the herb juice. Instantly the pain will disappear and menstruation will run smoothly, where there is not too much blood and not too little. If two days before the time of menstruation arrives and you already drink the concoction of this herb, surely menstruation or menstruation goes smoothly without interruption.

So many articles on the day that I can share with all my friends, I hope that you will be given health quickly if there are a lot of shortcomings and poorly spoken language, please forgive as much as possible. Thank you
Greetings Healthy ...!

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